APS Factory Replica AP Royal Oak 1017 ALYX 9SM

This custom-made Replica Audemars Piguet watch features the iconic octagonal bezel of the Royal Oak and is often referred to as the “Iron Man.” Crafted entirely from stainless steel, this replica watch is a solid piece of metal without any other materials. The dial, also made of stainless steel, has a minimalist design with only hands and a date window at 3 o’clock, aligning perfectly with the “Iron Man” aesthetic it aims to project. While the manufacturer of this bespoke AP Royal Oak is unknown, it has certainly captured the interest of many enthusiasts with its unique appearance.

Recently, APS factory has launched a new replica of the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak, ahead of ZF. I hope APS continues to release models like this in the coming years and surpasses ZF in the realm of Audemars Piguet Royal Oak replicas. APS factory shows potential to become the leading maker of these replicas, particularly models 15400 and 15500, which hold a significant share of the replica market. The 3120 movement used in the Royal Oak 15400 from APS is considered the best clone 3120 movement available, outperforming ZF’s version. If APS can continue to improve the finishing of the case and bracelet, it could dominate the market, much like JF has done for over a decade. The hope is that APS will become the go-to for high-quality Audemars Piguet replicas, making it easier for customers to choose the best ones.

The quality of the case and bracelet of this “Iron Man” replica, like other stainless steel Royal Oak replicas, is impressive. The watch has a substantial feel, and the octagonal bezel is perfectly integrated with the case. To assess the quality of the finishing, one can simply run their fingers over the watch, paying attention to each edge and corner of the case and bracelet. Major manufacturers ensure these areas are finely finished, avoiding any roughness. The APS factory’s replica “Iron Man” features a super clone 3120 automatic movement, which is the best on the market, even surpassing ZF’s 3120. This can be easily verified through the display case back, where the intricacies of the movement are visible. Unlike other clones based on the Miyota 9015 with added decorative plates, the APS 3120 is a superior and more authentic version.

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